At present, many publications on the subject of coaching have appeared. The word appeared in our everyday life recently enough for many it is simply unknown, and many people incorrectly interpret it.
Numerous lectures and publications of many Western experts presented coaching as a panacea that must save the world of business.
Is this true, and what constitutes coaching - we will look at in this article. It should make a reservation that coaching as a concept in general, and coaching, as a certain style of management is applicable only to solve specific problems and only under certain conditions. We focus on coaching as a style of management, and in order to keep things simple, let's call it coaching management.
What is coaching?
What it is? To put it simply - it is a method, the essence of which is that instead of regulations and setting goals used questions. This is almost everything.
At its core, the coach - management is not nothing but a democratic management style. He was and always used. And it is not imported from the west a new fashion trend management. Just it's his time.
Every economics student knows that the democratic form of government - one of the most effective. But until today, it is extremely rare - most bosses prefer the hard, authoritarian management style. At the same time they can decide all questions, exercise control over the execution of tasks, etc.
Democratic style of little use for the simple reason that it requires certain skills. And this is not taught anywhere else.
Tell me, do you know the situation, when someone sincerely asked, how are you doing what you are pursuing goals, what are your plans - asked in a way that after a conversation with the person behind you "grow wings" and you with ease and determination took up the matter? If yes, then you are already familiar with coaching.
What is the fundamental difference between the activities of the coach-manager? The fact that he, even when articulating problems subordination of the interests:
What methods and means slave intends to use to solve the problem;
Does subordinate the necessary knowledge and skills necessary for the application of the methods and techniques of data.
And to do that the manager must so as to have the slave did not have fear to admit that he does not possess the skills to work with, say, a spreadsheet.
And do it not in order to "otmazatsya" on the task, but because he wants to do the job as best as possible. Creating a friendly atmosphere in the team, of course, very important. But this is - not the purpose, it's just a base on which the head coach builds the entire policy - management.
Creating an appropriate atmosphere, coach-manager uses it as follows:
It determines whether the employee understood the task properly;
It enables the employee to the solution of the problem, outlines a plan of action;
It motivates employees, inspires him for the successful execution of the task and achieving a successful outcome;
Engaged in the effective control of the subordinate activities.
Basic principles of coaching management
The main task of coaching - improving staff performance, due to the fact that the staff itself solve all problems, and increase their motivation to achieve the desired result. We can say that coaching management rests on two pillars: Awareness and Responsibility.
Awareness of their actions and responsibility for them. But in order to realize these two key coaching principles in practice, it is necessary that the slave has reached a certain level of maturity, and was willing to take responsibility for their actions.
So under what conditions management coach can give the best results?
Conditions are only three:
"Maturation" subordinate to the perception of this type of management style;
Coach management should blend in with the character of the work performed by subordinates and the general management of the enterprise culture;
"Ripen" itself should head.
And only when all of these three conditions it makes sense to implement a coaching system in the management organization.