Sergei Mavrodi (born August 11, 1955 in Moscow, USSR) - Russian businessman, founder of JSC "MMM", which is regarded as a classic, and the largest in the history of the country's financial pyramid.
According to various estimates, it participated in its activities from 10 to 15 million depositors. The company MMM has been deliberately destroyed by the relevant government authorities, "In a criminal case has reports of governors to President Yeltsin, how goes the operation of MMM collapse."
Personality Sergei Mavrodi, as its activities are still causing very mixed assessment in different circles of society. It is often referred to, and the same financial genius and adventurer. In 2003 Sergey Mavrodi was convicted of fraud on a large scale, and in 2007 released.
In January 2011, he announced the creation of MMM 2011, which caused an unprecedented uproar, both among the public and the media. We decided to ask Sergei about his life plans, MMM, and with respect to politics.
- Sergey, hello! Tell us briefly about yourself than it is now doing, than carried away, do you believe in God.
Engaged and fond of what? MMM-2011 than else. Financial apocalypse. I do not believe it, but it takes a lot of time.
About God - let us leave. Not the place. And is not the time. In general, it is a different story.
- Do you remember how you came to the idea to create the MMM? Under what circumstances did it happen? Why did you decide to create just MMM, not "simple" businesses, such as car or grocery store?
We asked a hundred times already this question. Well, that answer it? As a "come." Well, so. As to the whole parish. Cocoon! Biomass. And then suddenly out of it formed a beautiful butterfly. At what point is it formed? When it is "suddenly"?
Not carwash why? So after each his own. "This speck who brandy." This car wash who MMM.
- What difficulties have you encountered in the creation of MMM?
When you create any special difficulties were not. Difficulties then began.
- How many people originally was a team? What were the initial investment?
I do not acknowledge commands. Teams are good only for the solution of ordinary, middle-tasks. A really great things are only made alone.
Attachment of the original there were almost no (only required when registering the statutory fund). I in fact was then just yesterday ordinary Soviet engineer. What sort of "investment"!
- You brought in those days a lot of people, it is a fact. What methods of advertising you used then and what is now considered the most effective to attract customers, and why?
Yes, all are good ways to advertise. The main criterion here - the mass. And - volumes. So that - in every house! TV then everything looked so videos with Lenya Golubkov and played a decisive role. Now? Yes, the same everything. And now the zombies are all looking box. Start on the central channels commercials - and tomorrow you will have the crowd to stand.
- Can we assume that the negative publicity, black PR also gives effect? How good it is?
In most cases, yes. Gives. While it is difficult to imagine how the negative publicity may be useful, for example, the same surgeon. The lawyer? Would you dare to go under the knife to such a specialist ...? Entrust him with my life? I would not.
- Who do you promote your project on the Internet. Tell me the first thing you need to do to make the visitors who suddenly dropped to the customer? What are some ways to "hook"?
Hang my picture. Or logo MMM-2011. And write "Financial Apocalypse - coming soon!" The man certainly interested. What does it all mean?! It is not just around the corner ?! The site will begin to read ... And there, staring, and! .. Best way. Daru. Free.
- How many people entered the MMM 2011 at the moment? How many participants do you plan to bring to date and in general? You can not stick to the plan?
More than a million. The media and all the experts to a maximum of one hundred thousand end of the year the choir was given, remind. In his boldest and optimistic forecasts. As the limit. Dreams. So go, it can be said ahead. Graphic arts. While on the other hand, that they, these experts, listen to something? They have a lot of things since napredskazyvali. And though something has come true? Of all these their predictions? Even I do not remember, to be honest.
- Did you have doubts as to whether you will entrust money to the people after the incident with the MMM? Why do they trust you, and carry money? Can we assume that this is because of greed and the eternal desire to "free"?
Trust me people, because they are not blind. And they know how to distinguish truth from falsehood. Which would be pretty clothes that do not ryadilas. And who was the real culprit in this "incident with the MMM", as you put it diplomatically, all now, in my opinion, are well aware.
As for greed I do not understand. That is, the MMM-2011. Where to give up to 60% per month. Really offer! Everyone! The system works like a clock more than six months. So the question - no. So what? They do not take? These 60% in a month? And take the money in the bank at 3% per year? Why? Because it is - greed? Entire 60% per month to seize? (Like, there's nothing not slipnetsya )
And in my opinion, contrary to the bank to carry this clinic. Golimy. When a number of such rasprekrasno MMM-2011 is. (Bear, and more in this system strongly denounce and condemn ) Idiocy some! (Militant). In its crystal-clear and untroubled by any signs of consciousness form. Do not you think?
As for the "freebies" that there should first define the terminology. The bank, for example, put a coin and getting there calmly protsentik, it's not a freebie? It's good? (At least, everyone around trend taldychat that great. )
In MMM start - bad! This - a freebie. But why? What is the difference then? Just do not vparivat with a serious view all this canoe that banks de benefit and MMM! .. There is still a big question, one that brings. (And to whom. )
MMM really helps people !! Basta! Not argue with that, and there is nothing to object to. Go to the website (, read the letter about the "prize" and see for yourself. And the most unprotected sectors of the population helps. Invalids, pensioners ... mothers of large families.
And the Bank is helping who? And it brings? (In the beak. ) And all of our state? Razlyubeznoe? All of these oil and gas pipes - in whose pockets they flow? Invalids and pensioners, is not it? Mothers with many children? Also - people. Of course. But that's how it is? You have them, by the way, I do not know the chance? All ?! By name?
- In the documentary, as well as in an interview, you say that you have nothing left, except for housing. Surely you have not invested and set aside for a "rainy day"? Why?
I rephrase your question. Can? "Yes, it really is you do not steal (do not invest and do not set aside for a rainy day ), having a full opportunity to ?! Why because. Because stealing is wrong. And no other reason then not required. For a normal person. This is for you, so for information.
- Will this time to invest the funds raised in some projects, real estate and so on. F.?
No, of course. In no event and under any circumstances! This baby is perfect, classic mistake of all would-be piramidostroiteley. They immediately start the money somewhere to "invest"! They just tow their hands! (Well, more to! Never before had more than a hundred rubles in the hands not kept, and all of a sudden - the whole millions! It is necessary to them to urgently do something about it!).
As a result, when there is panic (and panic tend to occasionally occur in normal pyramids, at least, the MMM-2011, however, that if concerned, it is only a very small extent) money for the payment is simply not enough.
They're all - "nested successfully." Frozen, in other words. In a fit of madness and the monstrous blindness! (Well, where you can "invest" money pyramid ?! Huh? Pray? What could be the most profitable it ?! As a result, everything collapses.
And I do not make mistakes. I am doing just stupidity. Sometimes. Occasionally. But it's forgivable. Firstly, it is usually easily remedied, and secondly, all the time to be smart and infallible too tiring.
- How do you feel about government initiatives regarding the establishment of a national search engine, a national operating system, and so on.. Many understand that it's just someone's whim, no entries will come of it, but it will cost millions of dollars. Do you think that some members of the state are interested in this to "cut it" money? Why is this happening and nobody "stop"?
Still worse it is. Nothing it will not build! Absolutely score. No-what-st. At all! Because of specificity as to the case and will not come. Everything is only at the level of conversations remain. Authorities have - impotent.
Gogol reread a long time? "Dead Souls"? Manilow remember? "Sometimes, looking from the porch into the yard and a pond, he spoke about how nice it would be if all of a sudden from the house to conduct an underground passage or through the pond to build a stone bridge, which would have been on both sides of the bench, and that they and merchants were selling various small items needed for the peasants. " It looks like, right?
And how is it you still! .. Neatly-cautiously. "Some ..." Yes, everything !! Until uniform. Give me a "representative of the state" that would be - I am not interested? Who is this disinterested selfless, brave knight without fear or reproach? Who?!
And how is it to representatives of the State managed to get through it? This heroic Bayard-Lancelot? White clothes while not even a single razochechka without dirtying and staining? Representatives of the state, after all, we only on the island of Buyan, as it is known, is acquired. And the island in the midst of the sea, is okiya. Because shit. As he swam to something ?! I thread the needle? And most importantly, why ?! What he is, in the toilet, I forgot?
Why is this happening and nobody stops? Well, I will answer. If you do not know. This happens because they are thieves. And the filth. Without honor and conscience. And they will continue and continue to plunder the country. Cut the budget. Stealing people's money. Conscience they did not wake up, do not expect. They have not, I repeat, of conscience.
And no one stops them - and who should stop? Aliens? Sorcerers? Shamans? The angels of heaven? With flaming swords? Here you personally why they do not stop? And "if not you, then who?" Here I am, for example, create MMM and do something. And why you do not do anything? A?..
I do not know what to do? False! Now that already exists MMM when it is created, one must make your choice. Must simple! It is a civic duty of everyone. So do his. Who are you with? On which side of the fence? This will be your contribution.
Let it be very small, almost imperceptible and insignificant, but because the droplets are known, and are composed of the oceans. And the oceans give rise to a tsunami. Because of the individual, and I WE arises. And we - Can Much!
- What do you think about some of the ideas of Dmitry Medvedev in particular, the idea to create an analogue of the World of Warcraft based on Russian history?
"Then he thought it was transferred seamlessly to other subjects, and finally brought God knows where. He thought about the welfare of the friendly life, about how nice it would be to live with one another on the banks of any river, then through the river began to build his bridge, and then a huge house with such a high belvedere that can be there to see even Moscow, and there to drink tea in the evening in the open air and talk about some nice things. "
This is continuation of the previous quotation. If you do not know.
- There were rumors that in the first of your company were the people of the state ... is it possible to say that now, some officials support your project?
- Returning to the MMM. Tell me, what properties you need to have a person to create a pyramid scheme (MMM way most people think)? What are the highlights in this case must be considered?
To create MMM, have to be me. Only.
- You find a crook, you were ... my opinion is that if you were a fraud, then you have not been put in prison, though perhaps I'm wrong, and it was part of your plan. Tell me how you can avoid penalties and "get away with it?"
For what purpose are interested in? Crimes do not have to make. Then these problems will not be. And these questions do not have to ask. Or, with the power to make friends. "Suck". According to the precise definition of Chichvarkin. It is also an option.
- Your farewell and wishes of owners and participants of business social network Times!
Do not engage in MMM !!! In no case! Figure you money? They are all evil
Update as of 14.01.2012
Sergey, six months ago we interviewed you. Recently MMM thumped year. There are a few additional questions:
- How many people entered into the system for the year (the percentage gain in a month?)
More than 10 million. Have. Much more, and. More.
Gain per month - 50%. But, however, with further growth of the system he must gradually decrease. This is normal. In quantitative terms, the growth will continue to increase as a percentage - to decrease.
- How much money is in the "back" in the system (at least approximately)?
The average contribution of the participant - $ 1 000. I emphasize, the average! Many small, but many large. And very large! A million dollars or more. And recently, the number of large deposits is growing dramatically. So consider yourself. )
- What difficulties have been for years?
Yes, no special. Conventional complexity of the initial period. And everything was fine and on the rise. And it will be even better! )
By the way, about the "more is better". A few days ago just Volgograd court made the fateful decision rejecting the claim of the Volgograd prosecutor's office and recognizing that MMM-2011 does not violate the law of the Russian Federation or in one letter. All! Prejudice. Article 90 Code of Criminal Procedure.
No one - neither the court nor the prosecutor, nor the investigator or the investigator does not have the right to further verify the facts established by force of law court decision. The question is closed. MMM-2011 - is legal. Now - only forward! The road is open.
- What are the future plans and prospects?
Financial Apocalypse. Here's my further plans and prospects. I've said it many times and I repeat. According to the Bible released 42 months (three and a half years). But I hope soon to cope. In any case, the number of participants in 2012 will be measured in hundreds of millions, it is quite obvious. Then we'll see! We can a lot!