Today our guest is Victor Nagaitsev, CEO of Internet Marketing PerfectSeo and service site promotion, advertising and PR on the Internet SEOProvider.

- Victor, what do you think, does the Internet and social networks in the promotion of business today?

Internet and social networks have a leading role in the promotion of business. If before the Internet was as an appendage to the core business, it is now in most cases properly optimized website and / or group on the social networks directly affects the sales and may improve the company's image.

Every year, the possibility of developing Internet marketing, more and more of the audience goes to the Internet and the impact of online business offline there is every year more and more.

- What is the work of SEO-experts?

Just give an example. For example, the customer has a commercial site, you need to do so via this website increased brand awareness, the site generates income through the arrival of new customers and increase customer loyalty to the brand.

Most people, when they want to either find a search engine - do not go beyond the third page, it is an incentive to nominate the site for the first position. To achieve stamp, every SEO-experts using their own methods.

Some of the services provided by SEO-agencies:

A complete audit of the site, comparing it with competitors. (After that, if there are any problems - redoing the site based on factors derived from the audit)
Create content. (Content plays an important role in filling the site, because most people are looking for useful information on relevant services or products. By increasing the importance and relevance of the information, you will achieve the fact that people will visit your site more often, in consequence of which will increase the number of clients)
In short, SEO professionals are trying to make sure that the site was of interest to users and to quickly find a search engine.

- How do the search engines on the market of Internet marketing?

Due to the ranking of search engines have created a whole market of companies that promotes websites for search engines. They use advertising (contextual) and other tools to attract audiences.

Search engines, at this stage of Internet marketing plays an important role in optimizing the site and help the development of the business, but do not forget about attracting customers from other sources of social networks, blogs and other sites.

- What would you advise young Sites commercial subjects? What are the steps to take to get unique visitors and search engine traffic?

Audit - as has already been said, in the initial stage of the project, when it is in the so-called "sandbox" to do so, to take account of all the factors of the audit, including the commercial, it is particularly important for the further development of the online store.

After taking into account all the factors at the site there is an additional confidence in the search engine (for now the site is functioning properly, and is important for visitors)

Content - is also of particular importance, awareness of people about the project. This can help the traffic from search engines. It is important to disseminate information on the Internet site to increase the references (for example, advertising free classifieds).

Social networks - social networking site also helps to get unique visitors. In addition, the presence of groups in social networks at the site is one of the factors affecting its progress.

Contextual advertising - it is also important to strengthen advertising. There are several strategies, for example, to test the contextual ads on low-frequency queries (they are more conversion), you can use high-frequency queries (here a reduction in the value of the request-per-click).

What do you think, how long it takes the average user to learn how to promote the site?

This is a difficult question, it all depends on the user's interests and desires. Information about the promotion can be found partly in the public domain, as it provides our company blog.

To fully grasp the subject, we all leave different amounts of time, for example, one of our employees, it took about three years. It all depends on the intensity of study material and practice to promote the site. The practice is still important - not only to imagine how it would look in theory, it is important to try and assess the result.

- Is it necessary to have specialized education, to engage in promotion of sites?

On site promotion professional education does not exist in our subject experts come from different spheres. It is best to have a technical background, but nevertheless it is not the main criterion.

It is enough to have the technical skills, in this case it is important to how the search engine finds a relevant response to the user, using any tool that happens, and then deploy these tools on the site.

- How often do you need to analyze the site and what it all necessary?

The market on the Internet has such characteristics, it is changing much faster than offline-market. In different directions e-commerce the rate of change of market instruments are different, including the rate of change of such sales tool, as the site.

To standardize the inspection for different topics, we suggest to check the website every six months - a year to represent that implemented on your website your competitors, you need to modify your site to be more is relevant to answering the question, it makes it more competitive and customer .

It is not enough to do any actual change or once work on the site is like raising a child, it should be carried out continuously, it's your business, which is growing.

- Tell us about the difference in the ranking formulas "Google" and "Yandex". What does it manifest itself?

Especially after shutdown "by Yandex" reference factors influence on promotion in Moscow and the Moscow region, to identify the clear trend differences in search algorithms of the search engine "Google" and "Yandex".


Most sites are ranked according to the formula
It uses assessors, but they are distributed only to America
It increases the number of inputs for the formula
It focuses on information requests

Uses to rank learning algorithm "MatrixNet"
Help assessors, employees of "Yandex", who manually check the site and put options for the training system
Improves system itself "MatrixNet"
It focuses on transactional and navigational queries
- It turns out the fact that in Moscow and the Moscow region in the search engine "Google" do not check websites assessors, where you can quickly promote your site than "Yandex"?

No, they just directly check issuance to understand whether there is an error in the algorithm for the basic needs. They can directly otranzhirovat this issue with the help of the answer to the question.

In "Google" site will reach a top, but because of other reasons. In "Google" the effect of the reference weight on the promotion a lot more, especially in Russia (in the US influence in reference weight is reduced). In general, for each country the algorithm, as well as in "Yandex", for example, the issuance of Izhevsk ranked differently from extradition to Moscow.

- What are the main criteria when choosing a SEO-specialist?

Portfolio-oriented and results from previous projects.

- Tell us about the pros and cons of treatment to the SEO-agencies.

If you decide to apply to the SEO-agency, for starters, you need to get acquainted with all the information about the company, read reviews, visit the company.

Unfortunately, most people opt for the cheapest option, just give the money and wait. The benefits of such a process will not have any, the main thing - the maximum immersion in the process. You will need to spend a lot of effort to find a SEO-company that provides quality services and will work on the outcome of your company, I am a participant of the market with 8 years of experience with full responsibility I declare.

When you work with a good SEO-company, one of the advantages - stability. In signing the agreement, the company must provide you with quality service and performance of the services, which you have agreed.

Also, there are a few drawbacks: SEO market is not transparent and highly competitive, so here there is a large proportion of fraud. When you contact, you can not get quality service, unfortunately, many are trying to sell as much as possible, without performing their direct duties.

- How did the idea of creating a service SEOProvider?

I worked in a large IT company in the SEO department about a year and one day, I had the idea of creating a technology that in the future would have found wide application in the SEO-market. Among the department was not the key and it was decided not to implement the project. After that, I started a project on their own.

- Have you experienced difficulties in the way of the creation of the service?

The biggest challenge in the beginning is the lack of experience in this field. Unfortunately, there was no time to explore as much as possible at first the whole market, and then to create a company, so learn from their mistakes, almost immediately began to analyze the situation and to monitor the industry trends.

- Describe your audience and how to attract new customers.

Followers of our service is divided into two segments:

Owners of small and medium-sized businesses, a marketing director who promote their projects, experts in online advertising.
Small and large studios, freelancers, advertising agencies that are engaged in the promotion of customer sites.
There are many ways to attract new customers, here are some of them:

PR activity
Advertising thematic platforms
Participation in conferences
The most profitable conference with representatives of large companies (RIF), tematichnye conference. Links can dramatically change your business, but it will depend on your communication skills.

- What service when more popular?

The most popular three services:

Site Audit - Comparison site competitors, eventually you will be given about 100 factors.

The service is "audit" the service is much cheaper than the same service in the usual SEO-agencies: the price of SEOProvider 800 rubles, and the price for SEO and advertising agencies from 5000 rubles.

The basis of the audit we have questions employees (assessors) who will manually check the quality of websites in search results, "Yandex" and Google.

These are the questions we answer freelancers because of them managed to reduce the cost of the audit. At the moment, our system has three degrees of protection, which can not be deceived, so the most accurate answers to freelancers.

SERM - placing positive reviews about your company in the best selling Russian Internet services (for example,,, and many others), as well as major media outlets.

SMM - maintenance and promotion of groups in social networks.

Unique service. Keeping groups in social networks without the participation of the client. You pass your data service and specify wishes, through freelancers to perform tasks: publish posts suitable for your target audience, bought advertising in groups or communities on the desired category and all of you that in order to achieve your desired result.

It is necessary to clarify that the use of the service warns you against fraud storonyudalennyh sotrednikov. Freelancer does not access directly (exchange of information takes place strictly through a service), which is very important if he suddenly wants to use the Community for personal use (monetization via advertising, etc.).

Also, there are two services which are slightly less popular this: "PR / Advertising", "Content", at the moment we are trying to refocus the service to them.

PR / Advertising - freelancers create and place advertising on specialized proschadkah: target highly specific and most conversion sites, message boards and social groups. networks. This service affects the image of the company.

Content - Exchange visual content (infographics, video, photo).

For you to write texts, develop a table, remove the video, and so on. D. The varied content will increase the interest of clients and attract new ones.

- What are the benefits received by the client using your service?

The client receives a financial benefit directly, because the better promoted and presented by a site on the internet, the greater its visitors and more sales.

For example, using the service "PR / Advertising," an idea of the website on the Internet is getting better: positive feedback, visibility in search engines, it's effect on visitors to the company's image and sales.

- Do you think that your service is not enough?

Zones of growth much, all you name it. We are already working on the implementation of new services, we plan to introduce additional tools to promote, for example, in the segments of reference aggregators.

Soon will be available quite interesting services for the market: quality assurance links freelancers, detailed punching position in the online expansion kollichestva sites involved as sites for the so-called eternal links.

- Give advice for beginners startups.

For beginners, I suggest:

How would it not sound corny, but to think about users
Enlarge threefold any projected start-up costs
Be prepared for the fact that you did not meet the set deadlines
Greatly simplifies the start that it was understandable for a broad audience
- And the last question. Your dream.

I do not like to dream, dream - it is something unrealizable. But, I have many goals and objectives.