Today we are talking about business and franchising, with a representative of the interregional public organization of Consumer Protection "Robin Hood", Konyrevym Anton.

- Anton, tell us about your company.

Since 2010, our organization helps to "trick" customers across the country. Those who "offended" banks, insurance companies, shops, or developers. Commission impose when granting credit, lowered the insurance indemnity insurance, sold low-quality household appliances and so on.. In general, everything that falls under the Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights. People come to us with evidence of violations (contract, bank statement, examination, checks, etc.), and we defend their interests in court. The way to the consumer, our services are free. Therefore they called a public organization of Consumer Protection "Robin Hood." That is to say help for free.

- If you provide services to consumers for free, which is taken from your income?

If you win the case in court, according to the stated by the customer for a refund from the respondent shall pay a fine, non-pecuniary damage and a fine%. 50% of the fine we get. According to the law, as a public organization, representing the interests of the consumer. This quarter of the price action. Rather big amount.

- Many people think about starting their own business, but not everyone in the end it is opened. How easy is it to you was given the decision to become an entrepreneur?

You know what comes first in the responses to the question "What's stopping you become an entrepreneur?" - No idea. But I have just had it.

And she had several obvious advantages:

investments are minimal;
It does not need to have special education;
potential customers very much and predicted return fast enough.
It remained to write a good business plan. I was not afraid. In the event of failure of the main loss would be the time.

- How did you get the idea to start this particular business? How did the idea of this business?

A few years ago, the country began a "credit boom". Many friends have bought the car, make repairs, went on vacation credit. Some took it and just living. It has become commonplace. Whether good or bad - everyone decides for himself. I'm not for and not against. I stated a fact: in recent years, almost all acquired loans. And not one.

And that's what I noticed. Overpayments are too large. Even more than% rate. Why so? And because we are often apart% pay all commissions and insurance. Not even noticing them in the contract and checkout. After all, few of us read the fine print and carefully studying their payments. And for good reason.

And I thought, is it possible to somehow return the money? I myself am not a lawyer. Money for lawyer had no desire to spend. Doing most courts do not have the time. It turned out that there is also such a thing as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). He began to study the mechanism of its work. I liked the scheme. Interesting. Just. It does not require large financial costs. Thus was born the idea to create an NGO. And people can help themselves and to earn bread and sausage.

- How do you embody the idea from its conception to the final realization?

From the birth of the idea to the first money in the account was about 6 months. For a short period of business. The first task - the registration of inter-regional public organization. 3-4 months, the Ministry of Justice carefully detain me, and returns to the Charter of trouble, double-check the hardness of my intentions. Next, the main whales business: employees, office, advertising. Since it was easier.

He took off his office. A small room in downtown. Squares 20 will suffice. 3-5 jobs: tables and chairs, computers, printers, internet access, telephone and stationery. Hired employees. I do not have a legal education. As it turned out, it is not necessary. All of the cases are in the same legal plane. He dispensed with the expensive superopytnyh lawyers. I advertise. And spun ...

- In what can be saved and what is not worth saving?

I'm for the maximum cost minimization and efficient use of funds. Advertise engine not only trade, but also any business nowadays. According to this the cost of it - YES. The equipment, apart from the office equipment - no, this is very good. Dear lawyers without sacrificing quality are replaced by the attentive and hard-working even inexperienced employees. Dear "smart" office - no. To come to us for help ordinary people.

- What difficulties at the initial stages of business you are facing? How to solve problems?

Difficulties - this distrust and legal illiteracy of our people. Fight with the second easier, we both needed. But to convey to the consumer that we are helping to free difficult. Too good it sounds. All the work for you, and do not take the money. But so it is. Lack of public awareness. Here you before this interview have heard a lot about the public organizations to protect the rights of consumers?

- No.

That's just it. About them, few people know, but today our services are needed for almost everyone. How to fight? In the early stages advertisement. Now, it has already earned a name for himself. Recommendations friends, acquaintances, whom we have helped to provide a stream of customers.

- What are the employees is the state of your company?

Apart from the necessary any business manager (in our case it is called by the Chairman) office manager and accountant I work only lawyers. The staff is small. Nothing, or rather, one of excess. Chairman's me. Accountant coming. In view of the simplicity of the work (all of it lies in the plane of the law) it was enough for 2-3 first lawyers. One leader, a competent and experienced. Well, "the mistress of the office" in order to maintain our ability to live and coordinating the work. Because the office is located in the business center, the need for cleaning and security there. Here, in general, and all.

- How do you promote your services? Which advertising media have proven effective, but from what you end up abandoned?

In this age of the main advertising channel is probably the Internet. There are plenty of free resources. Even given articles in local newspapers with the largest circulation. Arranged promotions on the streets, handing out leaflets. Rollers on the radio. Later, when the "roll", appeared on local television channels as experts in the field of consumer protection, were interviewed.

For us the main thing - to convey to people what we are. Share what we can to help. Who has the best advertisement - "word of mouth", she works for me. And at the expense of efficiency - the most productive advertising for us was the one that covers the maximum number of people (online).

- What can you say about the competition in this business?

What competition? There is a huge scope of work - enough for all. Every second citizen of any city - our client. That figure out how much you need of organizations to master all.

- What are the pitfalls of this business have?

The main pitfall for us - changing legislation and as a consequence of changes in judicial practice. Something added. For example, in 2012 the insurance service has come under the law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights. Since then, we have been all kinds of insurances (life and health, personal and real property). Something goes.

To affect these changes we can not. Law is law. All the time keep abreast, to track changes in the legislation, exploring new directions. And yet, perhaps, there is a shortage of personnel. I think many managers would agree with me. Intelligent, responsible employees of its weight in gold. You will find these - keep.

- How do you see yourself prospects of further development of your business?

Prospects - to develop "deep" and "breadth". "Deep inside" - is to explore new directions. "Breadth" - to open new offices. We are organizing an inter-regional, which means that they can be in many regions. More precisely in the 41 regions of the country. It is more than 200 major cities. Imagine how much our customers we can help? "Robin Gudovtsy" already working in dozens of Russian cities. This is just the beginning.

- What you need to replenish your ranks?

Everything is quite simple. We are pleased to offer cooperation to all interested parties and stakeholders. Continuing to attract new partners. Job representative comes on the type of "free franchise." Regional Robin Hood gets 80 percent of the amount of fines levied by the court of its business, lead on our behalf.

Obvious advantages of such cooperation:

You do not need to engage in open and legal intricacies of business registration. Is everything ready. A full package of necessary documents and issued a warrant for the job.
There is no financial "collateral" fee for entry to the network is not. Attachments only in their start-up costs.
Provides complete diagram of the already-established and functioning throughout the country. And also: advertising and practical experience, recommendations, legal tricks and "blanks" claims.
Permanent information, advisory support of the central office.
All Robin Hoods communicate on the Internet in a closed forum, discussing the pressing together and work issues.
The ability to work virtually anywhere in the country (41 regions).
The synergistic effect! Promotional activities of all partners in the network mutually! And much more.