Today our guest Pavel Chesnokov, a major St. Petersburg and Moscow businessman, owner of a popular club Nebar in St. Petersburg and Moscow, co-owner of "Hands Up Bar», Nebar Duty-Free, Saint-Tropez beach club, Gatsby, Geometria Cafe, folk club "Mama Do not Cry", and also the owner of the popular pages of the St. Petersburg (Piteronline) and Moscow (Onlinemoscow) network instagram.
- You are driving in the popular pages on Instagram Petersburg. How did this idea?
Since I myself am engaged in their club project - a network of bars and nightclubs, one of the questions that I had to decide - advertising and attract audiences. And if in 2008, advertising was basically printing products and SMS-mailing, with time, everything changed. In promoting clubs very quickly became widespread social network. At some point I realized that it is simply impossible to ignore them, you need to register yourself and engage in the promotion of their establishments. In addition, I understand that you need to have both a media resource, advertising platform that will provide this free advertising.
During emerged about two years ago I started to Instagram to follow closely. In addition to personal pages, there began to appear, and information. After examining their content and methods of promotion, I considered that could well make the product not of inferior quality. And just over a year ago launched its first project called Piteronline. My expectations for the most part justified. However, today's figures expected to get back to the past of the New Year. I expected that the growth of visits will go a lot faster, however this page is now the most popular in St. Petersburg. The number of subscribers is approximately 125 thousand. Until recently, there were more than 200, but the 18 th December 2014 there was a sharp contraction. Network Instagram cleaned all the bases from inactive subscribers, after which the number of our users was 125 thousand, which we are certainly glad, because Activity of these subscribers even increased. We are still among the leaders of the information pages of Petersburg. When I realized that it really works, we launched a few more pages entertainment page Dating analogue Piteronline for Moscow - Moscowonline, plans page with horoscopes and more.
In fact, today we are the advertising agency, which is engaged in advertising and promotion in social networks, including through their own pages in the largest network Instagram.
Chief Editor of the page Piteronline Nikolai Anisimov told about the resource in more detail
We Pavel Chesnokov long time friends and cooperate on various issues. He, as a person with a unique business flair, I got the idea to create a page in Instagram, which will cover the life of St. Petersburg and events taking place in the city. Paul invited me to cooperate, I agreed, but at first skeptical of this idea. Even after six months of our work, I still doubted, and from a commercial point of view, my doubts lasted about a year, though this did not prevent me from doing my job well. Disturbed the format, since I comfortable with the social networks and do not consider them as serious issues to address. Fortunately, Paul was able to convince me. A year later the project is fully paid for itself. Indeed, in this respect, Paul, of course, very far-sighted.
- Why is the resource named Piteronline?
We wanted to make an interactive page that never sleeps, always be online, and our readers will be able to be always up to date. Our team is very diverse, each employee has the experience in different directions. On the page, you can find everything - from urban news reports (activities, events, accidents) to the decrees Poltavchenko. In addition, the format means that anyone who uses a smartphone can provide useful information, leafing through his tape and eliminating the need to search for news on many sites. Due to the fact that we are all spinning in the club-cultural environment and have access to the information from the source, we publish the latest news. We place not just pretty pictures of the standard signatures but a virtually complete portal which is organic functions of Instagram. And even constraints such as 15-second video, try to use for the slideshow, write reviews of restaurants, historical essays.
- What is your audience? Who are you reading?
The audience is very diverse. It appeared like we have a reader, which is 86 years old. She writes interesting comments on the cost of food in the Soviet era - the post of sanctions, for example. Her comments to the ideal ST Petersburg Russian. It is evident that a highly educated man. And this is not fake, but absolutely real person, her pictures on the page grandchildren, family and so on. But seriously, the main audience, as in any social network, it is 21-35 years.
- How difficult is it to keep your audience? Still if present speaker to increase?
Like any young projects first it was very uneven, due to the instability of work in terms of materials and columns. Some things that seemed very interesting to us, received no response from the audience and the news that we evaluated as a first bushing, causing a splash. Long could not grasp the needs of the audience. Statistics jumped readers left on the hundreds of comments under a photograph of people on the subway in fur coats and a beautiful photo of St. Petersburg just two - and that often it was spam. Now we have a good stable growth. Approximately 1200-1500 subscribers per week.
- How do you fight spam?
We accept the most severe measures. All comments that could inflame ethnic, racial hatred, as well as direct insults are removed. On the page, and I am very surprised, a little frank "trolls." Basically, fighting with limitless stream of advertising, all of them without discussion are sent to the banks. For those who are not ready to participate in a commercial project - that is, to pay for advertising, officially there is a weekly Sunday column "bulletin board." There you can post in the comments any information.
- How monetized resource?
Here we must pay tribute to Pavel Chesnokov. Someone takes talent, and we have taken persistence. As I said, a year later began a resource to generate income. Now we have our own columnists, who twice a week, write reviews, and photos. Monetization is simple: on all resources, it is advertising. It receives a large number of applications, of which about 70% did not reach the final result due to various reasons. One of them - is the cost, and some part of ourselves notch, as it runs counter to the policy wording. We try to even out promotional materials to make interesting posts: organize competitions, draws, different stocks. For example, we had a post of one of the St. Petersburg institution, specializing in preparing shavermy with insanely delicious sauces, they choose very appetizing picture with a short, concise text, and he collected a crazy amount of likes.
All advertising posts tagged stitching "Published as advertising," and be sure to hashtag noted that it is advertising.
- Is there a system for assessing efficiency?
The best evaluation of our work - a long-term relationship. Some places were so excited about the results, which we have placed every week.
- How effective is advertising on these pages? Better she than conventional advertising in a newspaper or magazine?
I would not say that it is better, it is equivalent to a few annoying as television, radio, press or other social networks. Because of the popularity of the network Instagram has the ability and willingness of people to make it more creative and interesting, and then it becomes less irritating. All its customers, we try to inspire a simple truth: despite the fact that they pay us the money, beautiful text is not the one that is replete with revolutions, "the best, beautiful, unique," and photos of the best not the one that is selected from the Image Bank, and the one above where the designer worked. Interesting idea brings a greater response, and does not cause irritation. It is sad that people work out budgets and do not want to include the brain.
- What are your plans for further development?
In 2015, we plan to exit offline. If you support Internet projects some physical resources, it helps them to live. There are thought to hold the city quests under our patronage, urban photography contest. This is needed to support the resource and in order to make the name is social networks. But in general, now I see endless possibilities for work. More recently, the network has grown in popularity Instagram Twitter and continues to grow.