Solid secured money - it's an amazing time in our goods. Either he has gone beyond the objective economic laws of supply and demand and completely ceased to obey him, which is unlikely, or that something is unclean and could end badly for the vast majority of those sitting in the current economic boat. According to the above-mentioned law, when the supply of any goods is growing at a stable demand, the price of the product is reduced if the demand for the product increases and supply stable, the price also rises accordingly. As is well known, for centuries the modern history of mankind as the main role played by money gold (and to a lesser extent silver), but his behavior in modern conditions surprisingly different from what the law says.
Modern means of payment in the world are made of paper, fiat currencies. And they are in circulation in the world amounts every year only grow. They are printed in the United States and in Europe, and in Japan and China, and in all other countries without any exceptions. Thus, these volumes offer these paper wrappers, issued by the central banks has never happened before, and the volume of their proposals only grow. And rapidly.
On the other hand, the demand for gold has never been so great in recent history, as it is now. And, too, continues to grow. Buy all the gold available in the market, the main buyers are the countries and central banks in countries such as China, India, Russia, the Middle East, etc. Remains of gold and silver from these major players in the form of precious metal coins cleaned picks population of these and other countries. And in this process has also been active population of Western Europe and the United States, despite all the propaganda of local bankers and the media about the meaninglessness of ownership "barbarous relic". May notice that gold production is also gradually increasing. This is true, but compared with the volume of output in the world of the new currency, as well as the declining supply of scrap, we can say that the supply of the precious metal in the world market from this source are practically stable.
Against this background the price of gold would have to continue to grow, but instead in April - June 2013 there was a rapid drop of 25%, driven by the sharp increase in demand for the precious metal. Someone pointed out that this happens once in a generation. Since then, for almost two years, prices remain almost equally low. Close increasing physical demand of the current mining and processing of scrap, as noted earlier, is almost impossible. Therefore, the most interesting question is at whose expense is currently being implemented, the excess, while allowing to compensate gradually growing demand, makeup precious metal, and how these stocks still have enough to hold the current world prices so low. We can assume that these sources, but it will still only assumptions that may find their confirmation (or not) only after a number of years.
On the pages of this magazine has been said that gold flows from the West to the East. And if before the United States as the leading Western power could force other various methods to play by their rules, and now, judging by the fact that the flow of gold to the East only expanding, not the United States in this field is set the rules by which they have to play. Gold turned outlaw, or laws that can establish the Americans and the affect it they can not, despite its military might.