Aggressive advertising pursued HashProfit forced me to write an article, although I'm not going to talk about this "company", but when asked about it, then tell their opinion.
With HashProfit I faced when they were just starting to work and offer services to the cloud mayniga Cryptocurrency, so for a long time been following their activities. Many lures Freestuff 200 Kh, which they give for 7 days field registration, but just warning you, you can not withdraw, have to buy power for mining, and here begins "divorce rabbits."
What is it? Quite simply, after registering HashProfit you start receiving emails with offers to buy power for mining Cryptocurrency with huge discounts. If you long to hammer away, the hare, sooner or later anyway bite on it and be sure to buy it, unless he has money. And now clearly showing you their prices with the "received" discounts.
I suggest not to look at the prices in Bitcoins, and are encouraged to focus on prices in vebmoney to make it easier to show you and explain. Thus, the regular price of 200 Kh / s 55.88 WMZ. And you offer to buy all that stuff just 39.67 WMZ. And considering that you also promise to return within 3 months instead of 4 months in rabbits involuntarily arises the idea that money can then pull shovel foot and is ready to reveal her purse. All is good, but that's only 1 MH / s today is worth 10-16 dollars, and rabbit cram it at a price of $ 198.35 "at a discount." At such a difference in price a lot to bloat. But let us continue.
Recently noticed that they started offering to rent their power Asic miners at very modest prices, just 0.65 dollars per 1 GH / s.
Very good, but the thing is that rabbits do not know what to rent facilities for mining Bitcoins can be priced at 0.33-0.50 dollars per 1 GH / s. It turns out that HashProfit-not necessarily have to buy miners, they can simply rent from others and give sublet double broth, and if you really want to organize themselves maynig Bitcoins, then buying one miner and passing it out, the second miner obtained free of charge at the expense of rabbit. That's not such a complicated math.
Who has had the patience to read this far, I'll open a little secret, as is done smart rabbits. In the first picture look at the price in the PFC, ie in ProfitCoin, which HashProfit launched as a Cryptocurrency. Price 200 Kh / s in ProfitCoin is 18.18 PFC. How much will it cost in Bitcoins? The answer is, today I bought at the rate of 1 PFC PFC = 0.0022 BTC, from here is not difficult to calculate that 18.18 PFC = 0.0022 x 18.18 = 0.03996 BTC. Thus, the price of 200 Kh / s to me personally instead of 0.12107 BTC cost only 0.03996 BTC or more than 3 times cheaper than the one offered HashProfit rabbits at a discount!
And now I'll tell you, but on the condition that you or who do not tell us how to become smart rabbit and buy power from HashProfit at reasonable prices. To do this you need to create an account on the Exchange Cryptocurrency AllCrypt and buy there ProfitCoin for that then you can buy power HashProfit at a reasonable price.