Cloudminr provide you after registration GH 100 free for 7 days. During this time you will be able to evaluate the profitability and payback period of the investment, as well as make for a conclusion whether there invest for mining Bitcoins or not. Obtained in the last 7 days Bitcoins you can spend on buying moshnostey or get after you activate your account. To activate it, you need to buy at least 50 GH at a price 0,0014 BTC / GH.

But do not be upset, these conditions can be done and it does not necessarily have to spend their Bitcoins. After sign up and get 100 GH set up your account on automatic reinvestment. Thus all earned Satoshi will be automatically reinvested in the purchase of new capacity. After 7 days, after the free 100 GH cease to be profitable, you will have bought 5-7 GH, which will also bring you income from the income of mining and you'll be directed to the purchase of new facilities for the cloud of mining.

Thus, after a while, you will be able to increase capacity to 50 GH, and then your account is activated and you can disable autoship maschnostey and begin to receive payments that do once a week, on Sundays. Or be able to continue to reinvest earnings into buying power, until you reach your preferred income.

Why do I suggest just such a scheme, and did not suggest buying power immediately and invest in their Bitcoins Cloudminr? The fact that I analyzed information on Cloudminr and I do not have reasonable assurance that they are really engaged in cloud Bitcoin Mining and not mask a pyramid scheme under this activity. Especially in recent years are beginning to appear crooks who do so.

My analysis Cloudminr showed that the domain is registered to a private person from Norway. If you look through the map Google their registered office in Norway, then no it does not say that there may be a farm for mining. The site itself is based in the United States, which may indicate that the guys just did a site placed on a hosting in the US and not in any cloud Mining is not really engaged.

They write that the lease of power and hand over power to sublease these others, but then showed a picture of his farm and say they plan to buy the latest equipment. So, personally, I'm not sure that they are who they say they are. While I personally have to check bought 100 GH and I can say that until paid regularly. Although PBMining also paid until a certain time. So, it is not an indicator of reliability.

That's why I invited those who want to try to work with them, do yourself conclusions. And I proposed scheme will help you to do this for free. Thus, if Cloudminr really will really provide services to the cloud of mining Bitcoins, you not how the risk can earn Bitcoins. Well, if they prove to be a pyramid scheme, or anything you do not lose.

So, if you choose to register and start Cloudminr rent capacity for cloud of mining Bitcoins can do it, the more that you do or what not would cost.