"Google" has proposed a new algorithm - Hummingbird, which is somewhat concerned about dealing with search engine optimization specialists. However, in fact, his appearance even simplify our lives. You no longer need to fight for a limited number of keywords. Using Hummingbird helps to achieve better search results, even for a "long-tailed" queries. This means that the optimized sites such requests are likely to take in the ranking of the top lines.

We suggest you read some tips by which you can organize the selection of keywords in a new way.


As marketers usually do? They address key questions, the most related to their business. After that insert such requests, for example, in the "Scheduler keywords" from "Google", and only then work with the program issued options. However, not all users are looking for information, using the same algorithm. This means that the potential profitability can be a huge set of keywords.

The solution of this problem can be approached creatively. Let's say you've heard the phrase "office furniture". What associations arise in your head? Most likely, the "chair", "equipment", "tables" and so on.

However, in the "Planner keywords" You will not find any of these associations, because he finds only the most similar in meaning of the word. So the first thing you want to include the head: it was there usually lies a real fount of good keywords.

Then you can use these methods for finding niche keywords:

Notice the sections in search engines such as "At the same word are usually looking for."
Do not lose sight of AutoComplete in search engines - it can suggest that most users are looking for.
Analyze competitors metatags.
Use utilities to generate keywords from the address of the site.
Look for key words in the question on the forum, articles on the topic that interests you.

Carefully choose relevant keywords: remove from its list of those keywords, which do you think is less likely relate to your product, even if they were found with the utility.

Pay more attention to the less popular and longer keyword phrases. Yes, they have a problem with a frequency. But on the other hand, there is no competition! You will be much easier to be among the first ten results of issue.

In addition, the long tail keywords often include shorter queries, which is a nice bonus.

Another useful tip: choosing keywords, pay more attention to phrases that express the commercial intention. Do not forget about the short, but hitting the target words: "buy", "discount", "reviews", "best" and so forth.


Once you have prepared a list of keywords, they need to analyze. For this purpose, use and complexity of the performance index of key words. They take into account several factors niche, therefore allow to identify priority keywords, based on the difficulty to promote them.

However, you can identify keywords with a strong commercial intent, taking into account the cost of the response to them. Some words are more expensive than others, which means high competition in Google Adwords to these words.


The final stage of work on the formation of a list of keywords should be an honest assessment of their capabilities in terms of the fight against competitors.

By analyzing the pages that are in the top rankings of search engines, you should consider the following:

Backlinks to lendingovye page search engines consider them as votes in favor of a particular page. The more links a competitor, the harder it is to get around.
Search Engine Optimization page: analyze titles, descriptions, and text of internal links.
Unique and useful content. Here without comment.
The authority of the domain.

If you're just getting to the launch of its SEO-strategy, it is possible that you will need to remove all the keywords that your competitors are ranked: to come out on top on such requests in a highly competitive environment, you have to spend a lot of resources, time and effort . So, to optimize your site for them is meaningless.