1. extend the semantics of site

Improving the semantics of the site can be a good alternative to the promotion via links.

Many site owners prefer to increase the index under the keyword phrases, refusing to buy links.

2. Promotion of online conferences

Of course, the audience of up to 2014 conferences held in the online mode, and webinars was quite high, but this is the year the market is simply "sated" like activity.

Online conference were able to attract those users who are due to circumstances could not attend the meeting but would like to keep abreast of the latest trends and news. And there were many wanting.

3. Clustering of key phrases

Grouping keywords into logical groups has been given a lot of attention. If previously engaged clustering search engines themselves, but now it has become important to identify similar vocabulary words and place names correctly identify phrases relating to the page for promotion.

4. Go to the adaptive sites

Versions of sites for viewing on mobile browsers today have come to naught. Now search engines prefer adaptive templates. And the earlier start to use it, the better.

5. Priority of integrated services

In 2014, a large number of companies have begun to offer alternative ways of extracting traffic, such as working with doorways, advertising systems and social networks, of course, with the content.

6. Reference is increased by using traffic

Reference ranging gradually losing the information war.

The idea that the link does not attract traffic - bad, led to the emergence of an entire industry to strengthen the reference traffic.

7. wrap all kinds of user actions

Cheat behavioral factors in this year particularly intensified after the announcement of Alexander Sadovsky ("Yandex") in the Belarusian capital on disabling links. But, of course, this does not exclude the fact that if the site is about anything, then all sorts of cheating will not be able to help him.

8. Strengthening the position of Google in Russia

Google Russia took a course to increase its influence on the Web, surely displacing "Yandex", including all devices on Android.

9. popular social site Facebook in Russia

Somehow slowly and quietly this year, Facebook has grown in the number of transmissions to the site by 216%.

Opportunity to learn more about what will be important in 2015, will be among the visitors affiliate programs and marketing RACE 2015, which will be held October 8-9 at the exhibition center "Sokolniki" (Moscow).

RACE 2015 will bring together leaders of the largest affiliatnyh programs, SEO and Forex-companies, advertising agencies and payment systems. Join us and you!