Online traffic - one of the key performance indicators online business because it directly affects the number of acquired disabilities. Most online marketers focus on the most famous sources like search engines, social channels and popular sites. There is nothing wrong with this proven approach, but it does not need to stop. A few extra steps can make a huge increase in traffic.
Segment of online marketing - is very competitive, and any advantage is worth the effort. In this article we will look at five sources of online traffic, you will likely never thought to use.
1. Reddit: an excellent source of online traffic
Reddit - Sharing is a social news and entertainment; platform on which users can vote for or against, add links and comment on posts. This community, which has everything - from advanced physics to cute seals, and the pictures are published and condemned mega interested users. Some statistics about the resource:
Reddit attracts more than 174 million unique users per month who are interested in news, tips, food and entertainment. It also has more than 8,000 active communities, the best of which can boast of millions of viewers.
Here is an example of coolness reddit: in August 2012, US President Obama used the platform to communicate with citizens, to begin discussions with the words "ask me any questions." Post collected 2,987,307 views and over 10,000 comments on the same day. Of course, not everyone will be able to attract as much attention as the president, but the example shows the potential of the resource. And what is most interesting: all external links from this community have attribute «dofollow», so that when your position becomes popular and receives from him reddit SEO-favor, he sends her to a page with a link.
Analogue: Triberr - Community bloggers maintain social Sharing.
2. Quora
Quora may not have such impressive figures as Reddit, but there are very interested user base and lots of great features. It is a platform of questions and answers (such as "Answers Yahoo»). Users can "follow" the questions and answers plyusovat or minusovat. Positive rating gives loans Quora (original currency used on the platform).
Questions here, unlike analog platforms, can not be closed, that is, these pages exist for a long time. Asking questions and answering them, you can get a potential reach 1.5-3 million monthly visitors from around the world. Quora works as an online community, where you have the opportunity to subscribers and participate in the discussion of various topics.
In addition to questions you can publish posts to your blog Quora. Publications will be visible to other users who are interested in the topic. Platform encourages interest and participation of users credits, which are issued when someone subscribes to your question or answers plus / blog posts. For loans can promote blog post.
Here are a few tips on how to use Quora to the maximum:
Keep track of the topics that are relevant to your industry and answer questions
The responses add links to their content, if appropriate
Get subscribers plyusuya other users watching the interesting people and answering a question for you
Write a blog Quora and add your content
Use credits for larger view blog
3. Collectors content can be a great source of traffic
Picker content - is any program that collects and integrates web content.
In general, among SEOs collectors opinion on the content divided. One thing is certain - you do not need «dofollow» -link from most of them, except for a reputable, but you need links that attract online traffic.
You can dramatically increase coverage, publishing content on the site builders. They regularly visit the users interested in new content on topics of interest.
Take, for example, Alltop - site visits roughly half a million unique users per month, choosing from 600 subjects. Let's say you are working in the coffee industry and created a guide for the preparation of Turkish coffee. Alltop is ideal for placement of such content and getting new traffic. Visitors to your site are more likely to Lifecycle because they are interested in this topic.
There are many other such sites - Huffington Post, Popurls, Google News, Yahoo News, Bing News, Newsvine, Lockerdome and so on. D. Sometimes you have to go through the approval process or create an account. Unified strategy of publishing content on such sites do not exist. But the game is worth the candle.
4. LinkedIn - it's more than just a social network for professionals
With the advent of on LinkedIn function "create a publication," its status professional network merged with the status blogging platform.
Why write an article on LinkedIn?
In LinkedIn 330 million active monthly users from around the world who view an average of 8.5 billion villages per month, ie 25.7 pages per user.
Do you already have subscribers who will see the post in the news.
Subscribers are likely to share, and comment layknut content. Every repost and comment extends the coverage of the content on your number of subscribers to the subscriber.
You do not need to come up with original content, LinkedIn - an excellent platform for the re-use of old blog posts to increase the audience.
5. Comment on the blog
Of course, you know about the benefits of commenting, but some tips can help improve efficiency.
As the search results page, the first five get comments bulk of online traffic, so subscribe to the RSS-feeds of key blogs and try one of the first comments in the publications.
Comments by the author responds in a positive way, will have the highest rate CTR, than comments, unanswered or cause negative reactions.
Short comments, compliments and words of thanks will not bring you online traffic. Read the article and leave a detailed commentary. One good comment better than 10 short and insignificant.
Try to add a reference to the part of the text, but it should be to the point and tell readers what they will find on the page after the jump. For example: "We had the same situation. If you want to know how we unscrew, read the solution here ... "
Not all blogs are created equal in terms of getting online traffic. Emphasize blogs professionals with content that is interesting to your audience. Sites with multiple categories like Forbes, Wired and Mashable - excellent online traffic generators, but they are not as effective in lead generation.
Finally, it is important commenting guest posts, it has two functions:
1) You show visitors that do not simply create a publication to increase the popularity and getting inbound links, and want to establish contact with them;
2) addressing the readers, you increase the chances that they will visit your site.