Search engine optimization is one of the key points of successful website promotion. Properly carried out the optimization process makes it possible to be in the top of search results.
This material contains the most common SEO-errors affecting sorting sites in the search results. So, let's look at the factors that affect the ranking:
A small amount of content on the page or open for indexing service page.
Duplicated or non-unique content.
The lack of a good image optimization.
The use of non-optimized duplicate content or title.
Insufficiently literate code pages.
Lack of mikrorazmetki code pages.
Incorrect perelinkovka.
Incomplete semantic core.
Lack of quality publications that could attract search engine traffic.
Learn more about how to make your site more attractive to search engines, you can visiting Fourth International Exhibition of affiliate programs and marketing RACE. The event will be held October 8-9, 2015 in Moscow "Sokolniki".
RACE will bring together recognized experts who will share the secrets of effective promotion of sites in the Internet space.