In a highly competitive adaptability site is very important. For example, many companies today still use mobile versions of sites, and very vain. How Come? Read about it in this article.

The reasons that CEOs refuse to mobile versions of sites, very different: someone does not have enough funds for this, while others simply do not see any sense in it, does not understand the benefits. Perhaps you are among the leaders? If so, we suggest to reconsider its attitude to this issue and start to create a website for mobile devices. Especially if you want to succeed in the coming year.

Why do you need an adaptive site?

Firstly, since the mark was Google page adapted to the mobile devices of the company, without having the mobile site to lose their positions. Search for the desired resource from a mobile device, the user will prefer the site labeled "mobile" to the regular version. Think about it.

Secondly, to make the search for mobile users a truly comfortable and effective, Google lowers it positions sites are not adapted for viewing on mobile devices. Thus, companies, sites which are adapted to these conditions, get the advantage.

Third, according to a recent study by Yahoo, 4 out of 10 users of the World Wide Web is used to search for mobile devices. And people use them to search for information on the Internet, not only in those cases where a number of them do not have a computer. The same study says that every second search query is sent to the owners of mobile devices when they are at home or away. It happens so that a detailed search for information using a PC man starts after a preliminary search through your mobile device.

All this means that the scope of mobile search still occupied less than usual. Thus, to create a mobile version of the site, you can one of the first to rank well in the SERP. Think about adjusting its pages for mobile devices today, because your competitors have already begun to do so.