Edged weapons truly served man since time immemorial. Blade not only saved the life of his master in battle, but also a symbol of power, courage and dignity. Blessed sword to battle, devoted to the knights, baptizing children. The Slavs there was a custom at the birth of his son lay bare blade in front of him with the words: "Do not leave your legacy, but you will have all that priobretёsh this sword." Weapons princes and prominent warriors anxiously kept and revered.

In the history of many nations known tradition of giving weapons monarchy. There are episodes when such gifts decide the outcome of historical events. When Svyatoslav went to Constantinople, he was offered a bounty to appease him and prevent the siege of the capital. But the offerings were rejected by. And then put up the sword, from which the prince could not refuse, and agreed to negotiate, as a warrior for the gift was more expensive than jewels and money.

Blades always considered loyal friends, and even lost its dominant role in military operations continue to be a symbol of military honor. Dirk, honorary sign of recognition, military pride, passing it to their descendants or successors.

And now the "Blade reliable without blemish" is not only the epitome of craftsmanship of its creator, but also the elite gift. Do not listen to those who say that sharp objects can not be present. This prejudice is no longer relevant when it comes to the Present people interested in the history of weapons, enthusiastic "anime" or Kenzo, collect or participation in knightly tournaments. This gift is particularly respect for the person. If you present a sword or dagger to your business partner, you will immediately notice how high he will appreciate your impulse and understand the seriousness of the commitment to long-term cooperation.

Nowadays, antique swords are rare and are expensive, but what we call a gift of weapons, often represents a qualitatively executed copies of ancient sabers, swords or sabers. Antiquarian called weapons whose age exceeds 100 years, if it is confirmed by examination. However, the well-preserved specimen Swedish bayonet 1867, which was made in the second half of the XIX century by "Carl Gustav", can be purchased for $ 200, and the Czechoslovak bayonet 20s of the last century - for 270-300 USD.

Very expensive blades that belonged to soldiers or outstanding historical value. For example, the personal weapon of the hero of Sevastopol defense 1854-1855g.g. and member of the Russian-Turkish war 1887-1888g.g. General Eduard Totleben, recently sold lovers of exclusive things cost the buyer in the amount of five zeros, expressed in US currency. Sabres other famous generals can be bought by paying about 20 thousand dollars.

Not very expensive antique historically valuable objects that do not belong to the legendary personalities. Infantry saber French officer made ​​the royal manufactory Klingenthal in 1828., Would have to pay 1600 dollars, and the sword worn by the Belgian court in the late XIX century, is worth 2.5 thousand.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to buy the original legendary Excalibur, flaming "Flamberge", "Europe" or sablyu- "Mameluke" Napoleon, in the salons, which presents an exclusive edged weapon, you can still find the real masterpieces.

If buying antiques you can not afford it, but you still want to present a gift a beautiful blade, you can stop on a selection of gift items created by modern masters of preserving the traditions of manufacture and styles specific to the historical periods in which these weapons were used. Technological cycle of such products is complex and requires a thorough knowledge of the process of preparation and finishing of the blade, the handle assembly and finishing. The wizard should have the skills to work with metal, since all stages of the manufacturing process of souvenir weapons manually. To do this, carefully study the historical sources, information from museums and liaise with leading workshops in different countries. Another masterpiece is represented at exhibitions or in salons. The blade of your choice can be ordered, and in this case it is adapted into account all your wishes: sustain you specify the length of the blade and the handle will decorate according to the taste of the client (inlaid with gold, silver, precious stones, engraved lettering). You can buy your favorite souvenir in one of the specialty stores, which range striking diversity. Want to decorate a room in oriental style - Eastern weapons at your disposal. Katana will cost you between $ 150 dollars, and for the Indian sword "Atilla" will have to pay 250 dollars. Copies of Chinese swords since the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang cost from 170 USD. If you are a fan of European arms, then you will be offered swords, rapiers, and many other types of blades.

Special demand in Ukraine are samurai swords. If we talk about them, we must take into account the peculiarities of arms in Japan. The art of making swords perfected over the centuries - the era of Coto (until the end of the 16th century) were replaced by Shinto (17 century), Sinsinto (18-19 centuries), and finally Gendayto. Weapons each era has its own distinctive features: polished blades Coto dark gray color reminds dark velvet, and swords and Shinto Sinsinto light and bright. Tradition of making high quality blades are carefully stored and transmitted by masters of their successors. When in the late 16th century the center of Japan's arms art Osafune city was burned in the flames of war, killing thousands of artists who created the sword in 2-3 month. The revival of their traditions began only towards the end of the 18th century. Remained no more than three million original high quality swords, and their owners Japanese community conservation art manufacturing Swords "gives passport, which specifies the period of creation of the blade, the style and the name of the school, and sometimes even the name of the master. Some swords are considered a national treasure of the Japanese state, and the blades 117 are registered as particularly valuable. Such instances are not leaving the country. Very rarely allow the export of valuable and highly conserved swords. Therefore in Europe became popular to produce exact copies of precious blades.

In Ukraine, the modern masters ("Gunsmiths Nikopol ', for example) to recreate the original Japanese katana and shirosai. Unlike such copies is that they are not sharpened, as it is forbidden by law. There is also a ban on the wearing of spare knives, though permitted the carriage in packages and participation in military-historical celebrations. Yet, the main advantage of such products is their beauty and symbolic significance. Therefore, bringing a gift, you can be sure that he will take a worthy place in the house of the person to whom you are giving it, and possibly mark the beginning of a new collection.