The art of miniature carving precious or semiprecious stones, or glyptic, known since ancient times. There are two types of such products differing in the method of treating the surface of the stone. Earlier and traditional look - Intaglio, stones with profound image. Intaglio is usually created from a material of the same color and wore practical nature - have been used as seals.
The most popular purchased another kind of carved stone - cameo. Domed relief image enabled masters, removing layer after layer, use the color richness of the stone. Impressive cameo more than one color intaglio, it served as a decoration toilet articles, weapons, furniture, decorative elements of the interior.
The art of carving cameos received once archaeologists name "painting in stone." If the threads on the more modest miniature monochrome Intaglio can be compared with the graphics, the magnificent multicolored cameo with their mix of color and plastics really closer to painting.
Antique cameo today is a benchmark of classic beauty, pure and rigorous taste. The main aspiration of carvers from all eras was, as far as possible conform to this ideal. And although it is assumed that it will always remain elusive to approach him before the others managed to Italian masters, because their homeland was the direct heir of the ancient traditions. Italy not only is experienced in the Renaissance soaring stone-cutting art, but also gave a powerful impetus to its development in other countries. National schools glyptic in the second half of the XVIII century were formed in France, Germany, England, Austria. Last blossoming branch of this ancient art did not last long - by the end of the last century carving on hard stone almost gone from the artistic life of the European peoples.