Lately a lot of talk about replacing the US dollar on the Amero. The idea is not new, and often occurs in the discussion of the integration processes between Canada, the US and Mexico. These countries have long been looking for ways to create a union like the European Union, the currency of which should be the Amero. Unpredictability fate of the good old American dollar with the introduction of the new currency periodically causes an easy panic worldwide. However, further discussions, it has not yet moved and hardly in the global crisis, capital has driven into the United States, come on. Having under his control the main emission center, and in fact the world's sole reserve currency, foolish to abandon it in favor of the money for three. Make same Amero world reserve currency after the rejection of the dollar will be extremely difficult, even for a super powerful countries like the United States.
For many years, the whole world lives under hypnosis dollar, and the whole world economy depends on a beautifully printed portraits of American presidents. However, the dollar today - it's not quite the money, or rather not money. This US debt, and no more.


It was not always. For centuries people have lived under the sign of gold. It is an absolutely liquid commodity money was another two and a half thousand years ago, and along with his eternal companion silver has survived the rise and fall of many empires, remaining always the main measure of wealth and power.


The official status of world gold money received at the Paris Conference of 1867, where they were legally documented uniform rules for the use of gold as a monetary commodity. Under these rules, means of payment is a gold coin and paper money freely exchanged for gold at the rate of the solid one. The period of the gold standard was a fantastic time lifting industrial production and world trade. If we take the volume of world trade in 1850 to 100%, then in 1880 he was already 370% and in 1913 - 1000%. Britain was the world leader, the currency which provides 80% of payments in international trade, so the gold standard until 1913 called sterling standard.

Start of the First World War was the end of a golden era. The need to finance military spending led to unrestrained emissions of paper money and the final destabilization gold coin standard. In France, the money supply during the war tripled, while military spending exceeded $ 250 billion gold francs. The situation in other countries of Europe was no better. This led to the fact that after the war, the distribution of gold reserves in the world has changed radically in favor of the United States, the least affected by the war.


Post-war economic recovery and the pursuit of monetary stabilization forced again to take the gold standard. In the period from 1924 to 1928, the European countries returned to him in the form of so-called gold bullion. According to the rules, legal registration at the Genoa Conference in 1922, currencies of countries such as France, UK, Belgium and et al. Had guaranteed the gold content, but not exchanged for gold in any amount as before, but on gold bars weighing 12, 4 kilograms. In other countries, defeated in war, and colonialism, was introduced so-called zolotodivizny standard based on gold and currencies of the leading countries of the world. The time from 1922 to 1928 can be called the period of relative stability of the global monetary system.
1929 was a turning point for the entire global economic system, including currency. Launched a major in history and economic crisis, which occurred as a result of the transformation of the economic system on the market, self-regulating, to state-regulated market economy. For a new world economic system was needed and a new model of currency regulation. It was designed by the famous British economist, financier and political activist George. M. Keynes and adopted in 1944, with serious additions influenced the US. The main difference of the new system is that now convert any currency into gold was carried out not directly, but through the US dollar. Thus, the US dollar finally won in a single world. Victory was convincing enough, since the US owned 75% of the gold reserves of the world, and the main competitor for global leadership, the United Kingdom, only 4%. In the postwar years the dollar as the most recognizable and respected currency began a triumphal march around the world. The authority of the United States grows, US banks and corporations thrive, but not so sweet. Along with the increase in the money supply is growing dramatically and the US trade deficit. In the early 70s the US gold stock declined significantly, and January 15, 1971, Richard Nixon announced the termination of the exchange of the dollar for gold and the introduction of emergency measures aimed at saving the US currency.

In January 1976, in Kingston (Jamaica), a treaty was signed, which became the fourth global monetary system. Kingston (Jamaica) treaty entered into force on 1 April 1978, ending a thousand-year period of gold money. From this moment on gold officially became a commodity, although strategic. Has also introduced a floating rate of exchange and the possibility of establishing reserves is recognized in any currency. But the dollar has maintained its dominant position in international settlements to the present day.


Since then much has changed. Gold has risen in price for 30 years with 35 to $ 1,000 per troy ounce *, although logical to say that this dollar fell significantly during this time. The huge mass of emission of money, stimulate the process of growth of the world economy was a big exaggerated bubble, which inflate beyond terrible, and after another scary. Ukraine as a part of the global economy was in the same place and everything. Today's attempts to overcome the crisis by injecting money while anyone especially not helped. But Ukraine - not the US. That Americans are bad, we all ... We can hardly stir the Ukrainian economy infusions of money. Talk about big government money only lead to overstimulation of officials associated with the distribution of funds. Life suggests that most of this money will be planted in different rooms without any benefit to the economy. An example is the billions of refinancing, injected into the blood of our economy as a medicine, but turned out to be the drug of separate actions. Get some kicks and long hangover suffered by many.

Free money will not save our economy. The main investment potential of Ukraine and its salvation is in bank cells and under the cushions of citizens. You only need to maximize their preferences is an investment, not to suffer at the lack of foreign and state. And encourage inflows into the economy must not only through commercial banks, far more important direct investment in manufacturing. For this, it is important to actively encourage business people to create for them the most favorable conditions. But people will put their money only when they believed that the business of government - is a priority, as the breadwinner in the family, not the cash cow that feeds promises and milked to the bone marrow. But when the money will start to work, then you can think about the additional incentives from public funds because there will be someone to give them.
And then, the hryvnia with portraits of great people of Ukraine will be respected as a necessary element for the development of the country and its prosperity. A gold and silver money saved in the collections of numismatists as a memory of the times when these two noble metal were the main symbols of wealth and power.