Collections of jewelry is always the most interesting in the museum collections. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, the objects are made of a material having a large value of the precious metals, and secondly, with often the real work of art, in third, are particularly informative value. After decoration in traditional costumes perform not only aesthetic functions, they served amulets, testified material prosperity, family and financial situation, the age of the owner.
Special historical value vintage jewelry XVIII - beginning of XX century, the stigma attached. They allow you to determine the time and place of manufacture of the product, the sample (number of precious metal in the alloy), and often the name of the master. Start Assay System in the Russian state was laid under Peter I. After the monetary reform in 1700, he issued a decree defining the four gold and four silver (96, 90, 84, 62) of the sample, which had to be sure to put on the products. For artists were introduced stamps, and then put the stamp with the sample chosen headman. Production of silver and gold products below said sample punish unbranded item can not be sold. In the middle of the XVIII century, the assay master specially trained, sending the province of Moscow.

Since the beginning of the XIX century assay operation were carried out in a specially equipped Assay Office. On the products now put three hallmarks: with coat of arms of the city (with or without date), with the initial letters of the name and surname of the state probirera, with figures of the sample. Masters of their branded products first.
Following the adoption in 1896 of a new Charter Assay, Assay tents were transformed into a circle assay control. In the Caucasus, the stigma were introduced much later than in other centers of jewelry. Products began to brand only after the discovery in 1804 in Tiflis Mint. Established in 1843 Tiflis district Assay tent lasted until 1896, then it was transformed into the Transcaucasian county Assay Administration, worked until 1917 the Governors were IA Shmidetsky (1896-1908 gg.) And AV Skavronsky.

Assay institution in Vladikavkaz was opened in 1886, and after 1896 Vladikavkaz entered Don District Assay Administration.
In assaying each district includes a number of cities. Thus, the Kiev District assaying branded products Kharkiv, Poltava, Kremenchug, Berdichev. The jurisdiction of the center of Vladikavkaz was the entire North Caucasus and Dagestan. 1899 for the whole of the Russian Empire was established in the form of a uniform stamp shield with the image of the left profile of a woman's head in the headdress. With him in the same panel placed initials control assay county, and sometimes the numbers of sample. Image of a female head was called "a sign of identity."
Since 1908 all assay districts were introduced in the form of the stigma of the same female head in the headdress, but facing to the right, followed by a letter of the Greek alphabet, different for each assay District. Manufactured hallmarks of the St. Petersburg Mint. That stigma assay institutions allow us to determine the time making jewelry, and sometimes help to decipher the name of the master. Lack of stamps says that it was a private order and the customer is absolutely trusted master.
The funds of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum has seven zones with scenes in which we try to read the information stored in them.
1. belt female Crimean Tatar. The second half of the XVIII century. Silver, gilding, background and delicate filigree, granulation. At the pre-digital stamp silver buckle ("saw-lightning"). Master unknown. Perhaps the belt was brought from Turkey or Turkish master made ​​in the Crimea.
2. Belt for women Crimean Tatar. XIX century. Silver, gilding, background and delicate filigree. Master Tsygoev. Private Order.
3. Belt Women's Crimean Tatar. The early twentieth century. (after 1908). Silver, gilding, background and delicate filigree, granulation. Master "CB". Stamp of the Transcaucasian assay control sample with 84 silver.
4. Women's Belt, made in the tradition Kubachi. XIX century. Silver, leather, casting, engraving, niello. At Phillips plaque stamp master "P". Private Order, belt failed Assay Administration.
5. Women's Belt, made in the tradition Kubachi. 1899-1908 gg. Silver, engraving, niello. On the stamp with the initials links Wizard "AB" and the stamp with assay inspector Alexander Kazimirovich Vyrzhikovskogo Kiev District Assay Administration. Stamp on the buckle Wizard "LC" (1908) and the stamp with the initials of the inspector of the same assay control Leo Fridrikhovich Oleksy.
6. Belt for women, in the tradition of the running of the Kubachi. Silver, gilding, engraving, niello, filigree. On links of incomplete stamp master "M" and the stigma of Tiflis Assay Administration with Inspector Joseph Shmidetskogo Alexandrovich (1903-1904 gg.).
7. Belt for women, made in the tradition Kubachi. 1899-1908 gg. Silver, niello, engraving. Stamp on the buckle Wizard "QW" and stigma Inspector Don assay County Fedor Konovalov.