This year, the most famous symbol of the currency of the world celebrates 270 years. Dollar ... This word is familiar to almost everyone on the planet. Australian and Brunei, Canada and Singapore - in many countries, people call their money in dollars. Even in Mongolia at one time instead of cheerful Tug monetary unit was the Mongolian dollar. But the most famous, of course, was and is the US dollar. All his love, all they want, but not everyone knows where he took a raschudesny. And the beginning of the history of the dollar ... in the mountains of western Bohemia in the first half of the XVI century. It was a time when Europe, Agitated economic recovery, hard and gladly traded. Money, as always, was not enough, and so many countries that had large stocks of silver were minted large silver coins instead of small, common in Europe since Roman times more. This gave considerable savings in their production and pleasant convenience in use. First large silver coin minted in 1486, Archduke Sigismund of Tyrol.
Solid big coin weighing 31.83 grams contained 29.23 grams of pure silver. Since it replaced 60 kreutzers corresponding golden goldguldenu, she was given the name "guldengrosh" (or "guldiner"). At the end of the beginning of the XV-XVI centuries silver guldinery widespread in Central Europe: in 1493, they began to be minted in Switzerland, in 1500 - in Saxony, and in 1520 about such coins appeared in Bohemia. Here is the official name of "guldengrosh" very quickly changed to «Joachimsthaler» by name town Joachimstal (now the city Jahimov in the Czech Republic). This city is famous for its rich deposits of silver and forever entered the history, giving his name the most famous silver coin in Europe. Gradually the word «Joachimsthaler» transformed into «thaler», and this name is already large silver coins resounded throughout Europe.
In Italy they were called "Taller" in the Netherlands - "Daalder," and in Spain - very cute word "Daler. Spain began to mint their own "Daler" after the currency reform in 1497. Officially 8 reales coin called the "peso". But since childhood, we know each name these coins made for use in the colonies. It is his repeated parrot sitting on the shoulder of the one-legged pirate 'piasters piastres! "- Shouted whimsical bird, and in the imagination appeared mysterious island and pirate schooner taking boarded Spanish galleons. Since Spain, having a powerful fleet, led an active trade on both sides of the Atlantic, its coins quickly settled down on two continents and have become an international currency. Rich deposits of silver in the Spanish colonies of the New World helped "peso-piastres" to maintain the status of the major currencies of the world until the end of the XVIII century. In the XVII century they called "Spanish dollar" appear in the English colonies of North America.
Colonists gladly use popular coin for domestic trade, as England itself undergoes constant shortage of silver money, could not provide the rapidly growing needs of its colonies in the money. Attempts to organize independent of the mother country minting money taken in the colonies than once. Thus, already in 1650 commercially successful colony of Massachusetts, experiencing the shortage of money, hampers its development, has taken steps to promote the production of its own coins. Authorities charged two settlers John Hull and Robert Sanderson establish coinage for the needs of the colony. Failed to start production in 1652, and until its closure in 1682, two craftsmen tirelessly minted silver shillings.
It was the most famous colonial coin - "Pine shilling." Pine for the manufacture of ship masts, is depicted on the obverse, symbolized main export of the colony. Besides shilling coins were issued in the three and six pence. Almost all coins of the colony there is one date - "1652". Perhaps this cautious colonists reinsured in the event of claims by England. Coinage always and in all circumstances, was the exclusive right of the king. But this time, after the execution of King Charles in England was a republic. And no king - no royal rights, reasonably decided abiding colonists. Although the "pine shillings" used by many colonies in north-west America, the main means of payment in the Americas remained Spanish dollars. Therefore, they were taken as a model for the minting of the first US dollar. Immediately after the adoption of the Constitution of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, the young republic has prepared a project of the National Mint. April 2, 1792, Congress passed the Coinage, which involved the construction of buildings in the Philadelphia Mint. It was the first federal structure based under the US Constitution. The Act also details requirements for the appearance of coins. On the front side was supposed to be an image that symbolizes freedom, the inscription "Freedom» («Liberty») and the year of issue. On the reverse side - the image of an eagle and the words "United States of America» («United States of America»).
The first silver dollars were minted October 15, 1794. This day was made in 1758 and US $ 5300 Half Dollar. Dollar coin contains 24.1 grams of pure silver coins with a total weight of 27.0 grams per. But if Half Dollar immediately entered into trade, then with dollar coins were not so simple. The first pancake was lumpy. For the manufacture of coins to use the most powerful press, but the prints turned fuzzy since the press was designed for smaller coinage. The situation was aggravated damage to the front of the stamp. Grinding, eliminate defects, prints made even more obscure. And, although it was not the best coin in the world, but it still became famous because it was the first. All dollar coins first run was a gift to famous people on behalf of the Director of the Mint David Rittenhouse. Time has not been kind to the rarity and today preserved only about a hundred such instances. The first regular coinage of silver dollars lasted from 1794 to 1803 years. and gave to the world of numismatics two types of coins. The main difference was in appearance lady, symbolizes freedom, the image that adorn the front side. The first type, minted in 1794 and 1795, was named "fluttering hair» (Flowing Hair), and the second type - "bust with drapery» (Draped Bust).
But there were major changes to the second embodiment, since 1798. On the reverse side of the coin, instead of exhausted birds proudly spread his wings heraldic eagle, covered with a shield. Regular coinage of silver dollars was stopped since 1804 on the orders of President Thomas Jefferson. Previously minted coins in circulation has arrived, but mainly in the United States used the Spanish silver and paper dollars.
Between the first and second pereryvchik something big
Making the US dollar coins resumed only in 1836. Long break in the regular coinage of silver dollars was not "taken out years" in American numismatics. On the contrary, this period gave the world the most famous collectors of US coins - the legendary Silver "Dollar 1804". Rare coin was part of a gift set, designed for leaders of Asian countries with which the United States sought to establish economic and trade cooperation. Set ordered by the US government, was to include all the coins minted in the United States and are in circulation. When in 1834 the Mint began to fulfill the order, issue dollar coins for nearly thirty years, was not carried out. The last coins of one dollar going into circulation in 1804, so for coin sets minted using cliches with this date. But it turned out that all the 19,570 dollars, fled, according to reports, the Mint in 1804, had the date 1803. Thus, in 1834, at the light of the law appeared a few coins (the exact number is unknown), doomed to become famous. From the outset, traces the history of the two miracles of American numismatics. One coin was presented to the King of Siam (modern Thailand), and the other - an Arab sheik from Oman. Who got the other gifts, history is silent, but in today's world it is known, eight such coins, five of which are in private collections, and the rest - in the largest museums in the US. 1804 Silver Dollar King of Siam The whole history of this coin is shrouded in mystery, but one thing is undeniable - it owns almost all the records of the US numismatic market. She was the first American coins, the price of which has overcome the barrier of a thousand dollars. This momentous event occurred in the 80 years of the nineteenth century and in the early twentieth century, the price reached a hundred thousand dollars. And today it is one of the most expensive (inferior championship only the Double Eagle gold in 1934) and the coveted American coins. Its price exceeds four million dollars, and that's assuming that someone wants to sell it to you. "The dollar in 1804," has a lot of doubles.
Fakes accompany all rare and expensive coins of the world, but this coin has another official and forgery, which are not much smaller than the original. Enterprising leaders of the US Mint, using the original cliché implemented in 60-70s of the nineteenth century further coinage of this type. It is not known what was the circulation, but some instances still fall into the hands of numismatists. Today it is known and has been certified seven additionally minted after 1834 coins. These "fakes" as the originals, of course, can decorate any numismatic collection. To thirty years of the nineteenth century, the economic crisis, accompanied by the active printing does not backed by paper money, almost completely eradicated from the circulation of silver. In addition, a significant part of the coin went to Asia, where the silver was very popular. These circumstances prompted the Mint Director Patterson (Robert Maskell Patterson), who was a supporter of this money to start building a new one-dollar coin. According to the authors of the coin was to be not just the basic unit of currency the US, as a symbol of the confidence of Americans in their development prospects of the country. Work on the sketch continued for several years, and in 1835, President Andrew Jackson instructed to begin production of the new coins. By November 1836 all was ready for trial in silver coinage. A small number of samples of new dollars were distributed among government officials. The obverse of the new coin Liberty was depicted as a figure of a woman sitting on a rock. The plot is in the style of ancient Greek sculpture. On the reverse side imprinted eagle soaring upwards. Coin has made a positive impression on all but one of the comments. Patterson gave instructions to the engraver, produce new cliche coins placed on the front of your name. Designation was done, and below the statue of liberty inscription appeared «C. GOBRECHT F », the author's name and the first letter of the Latin word FECIT, means" He did it. "
If the project was perceived coins exclusively positive, ambitious inscription aroused universal condemnation. This forced the Director of the Mint to abandon their ideas and new cliche made without the author's name. Today, coin with autograph Engraver (18 known copies) - a rarity. Regular production of Gobrecht dollars began in December 1836, when it produced 1,000 new coins. 600 more with the same date "1836" was coined in March next year. They are easily distinguished by the relative position of the obverse and reverse. On coins 1837 obverse and reverse symmetrical about a vertical axis, as in Ukrainian coins and earlier relative to the horizontal axis, as all US. Some experts believe these dollars trial, although most of the circulation came into circulation, and only about 400 copies were used as gifts. Mass production of dollars, "Seated Liberty" began with 1840, while on the reverse of the artistic image of the eagle was replaced heraldic. Four mints for 25 years minted 2,895,673 dollars. Mint mark located under the olive branch at the feet of the eagle on the reverse: New Orleans is marked "O", San Francisco - «S», Carson City - «CC», and Philadelphia - unsigned.
Most trade in the world.
In the mid-nineteenth century in the main system of economic well-being of the United States there were serious changes. Fall in the value of gold associated with the opening of a major new California gold fields, had a significant impact on the circulation of money in the United States. The ratio of the price of gold and silver as 1 to 15, enshrined in the law of coinage in 1793, has been violated. The half-century era of bimetallism, when the two main metal together denezhno¬kreditnoy dominated the field, come to an end.
By the early 50s silver rallying almost completely disappeared from circulation, and the Americans had to be content with small copper and gold coins, as well as a variety of paper money. Trying to bring back the silver coins in circulation, in February 1853, Congress passed a law to reduce the silver content in all the coins. The price of this precious metal in the coin had to meet par in gold terms. But for political reasons, the law has not affected the dollar coin. Inconsistency of real and nominal value led to a shortage of dollar coins in circulation. Silver Dollar becomes the most popular not only among numismatists, but also among all Americans. The era of the Silver Dolar continued until the end 50¬h years. In 1859, Nevada was discovered one of the largest silver deposits. The inflow into the market a large number of white metal again threatened to blow up the money market. According to forecasts, now it is the turn of gold rising in price disappear from circulation and settle in chests squirrels Americans. But intervened civil war that began in April 1861 and ... both noble metal disappeared from circulation. All the gold and silver mines went on foreign debt payments, and within the country, irritating American citizens roamed various paper money. With the return to the country of peaceful life, and it became necessary to return to the circulation of metals. This was an important political issue, as the war weary citizens (they are also voters) craved stability. The government was undecided. On the one hand, the increase in the release of silver dollars would completely undermine the confidence of Americans in paper money, on the other hand, the uncontrolled flow of silver from the rich mines of the Comstock again threatened to violate parity of gold and silver, which does not contribute to stability. However, the yield, albeit temporary, was found. As conceived by officials of the Ministry of Finance and the Mint, the situation can be stabilized by a significant increase in exports of silver.
In the late 60's - early 70's American trade with Asian countries, especially China, experienced a period of rapid growth. But, to the chagrin of American businessmen and their Chinese partners in mutual calculations gave preference to Mexican pesos. It contained silver more than the standard US dollar and has gained popularity in Asia. In 1873, Congress, seeking to improve the position of the dollar in world trade, decided to minting new coins, called the US dollar trading. She would be no easy task to win back his place in the world markets, awash with silver coins of other countries. Such powers as the United Kingdom, Spain and, of course, Mexico sought to lead their currencies in the world. The silver content in the new dollar was slightly higher than in the standard dollar Seated Liberty, is in circulation in the United States since 1837. The new coin quickly became popular, and in the first two years captivated the Asian market. Most shopping dollars settled in China, where they had great success. And for the successful coins immediately appear fake. Traders from Asia to check the authenticity of the coins made them prints (chopmarks). Today, most of the coins with such prints are cheaper than preserved intact, though there are rare coins imprinter hunted by numismatists.
Dollar trading successfully worked his way into Asia, initially did not circulated in the United States. But everything changed in 1876, when the price of silver plummeted after many countries had adopted the gold standard, and the streams of silver flooded the world market. When the nominal dollar trading exceeded the cost of silver contained in it, there was a massive return of dollars home to the States. Buying them at the price of silver for 80 cents in Asia, enterprising people used them at face value in the country, often giving them a salary wage workers. This prompted Congress to prohibit circulation of dollar trading within the country and allow minting only for export. But such measures could not stop the abuse, and in 1878 regular chasing dollar trading was halted. From 1879 to 1885 was made a few test coinages with a limited edition. Especially rare coins in 1874 and considered to be 1875, the existence of which only became known in 1908. They rank among the most valuable coin of the United States. In November 2005, the Trade Dollar 1874 (all in the world today is known 10 copies) was sold for 603,750 US dollars and coins in 1875 (5 copies worldwide) sold in January 2006 for $ 3.3 million.
With the end of the regular coinage dollar trading history of silver dollars has not ended. Ahead was another Morgan Dollar and Peace Dollar, and "silver" issue before the end of the century remained a major irritant for the US government.
pirate dollar
The next in a series of regular coinage began dollars Morgan Dollar. And, although he received no name in honor of cruel pirate Henry Morgan, and on behalf of the United States Mint Engraver George T. Morgan (George T. Morgan), the dollar has brought a lot of trouble and hassle of the US government. No one coin in the world has been met with indifference and incomprehension as this, but there are few coins today, which could be compared with it in popularity among collectors.
In the late 70s of the 18th century is no immediate need for the minting of new dollars was not felt. It was a time of global change in the international financial system, when most countries adopted the gold standard, making silver items, which quickly got fed up of world markets. The formula "buy for money, sold for gold" has become dominant in international trade. Streams of silver of the largest countries in Europe flooded the markets of Asia, close trade dollar, which as a favorite of Chinese merchants for several years reigned supreme in the Asian region. Reducing the demand for silver to foreign trade and hence lower prices for this metal is threatened by large financial losses for the silver industry in the USA.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that all this is happening against the background of significant growth in silver production in the country, where production only in the mines of the Comstock Lode in Nevada reached 36 million ounces of silver a year.
The government could not remain on the sidelines when the revenue decline of silver companies negatively affected the lives of tens of thousands of people from farmers to railroad workers who lived in the cities, have grown rapidly around the mining and processing of silver ore. Island became a question of how to increase the consumption of silver. And since only a very small part of the metal was on technical needs, and still remained the main consumer of the US Mint, the government would play a key role in addressing this issue.
The US Treasury Department has struggled to keep the importance of silver as money under a massive attack of the gold standard. One of the desperate attempts to save and reconcile supporters bimetallism gold and silver was the project of creating a one-dollar coin alloy 84.74% silver, 5.26% gold and 10% copper. However, the alloy, called «goloid» and even patented Hubbelom William (William Wheeler Hubbell) is not accepted as a metal for coinage, because it can not be without a chemical analysis to distinguish from ordinary American coin silver alloy (90% silver and 10% copper). Thus, the new dollar risked becoming extremely popular among counterfeiters who could use copper instead of gold for the production of cheaper copies.
In the same year was made ёschё one attempt to "marry" the gold and silver. Coin of $ 4, dubbed "Stella" (from the Latin stella - star) should contain 85.7% gold, 4.3% silver and 10% copper. She had to compete with a huge number of equivalent gold coins around the world and not get lost in a series of such popular coins as 20 French francs, Spanish pesetas and 20 Italian 20 lire.
But fate decreed otherwise, and the operation "Star" failed due to the fault of believers only in gold congressmen "antiserebristov." In memory of the failed attempt to attach the excess of silver by adding them to the gold, were about 450 copies of the trial issue, which were sold at a price of 6.5 dollars apiece fans of original things from the higher layers of the American elite. Angry collectors who could not buy this coin from the Finance Ministry, claimed that many of the "asterisk" turned into medalonypodarki, emblazoned on the necks of stars brothels of New York and Washington.
Despite a number of setbacks, the application attempts to find the excess of silver continued. Under such production volumes of the precious metal, which many still looked upon as money, he appeared much devoted friends even in the US Congress. Chief exponent of these interests was Richard Bland (Richard Bland), nicknamed the Silver Dick. The congressman did not miss a single opportunity to lobby for "their" metal in the legislature. After many attempts, he managed to vsyotaki using Senator Ellison spend a bill under which the Treasury was obliged to buy at market prices from 2 to 4 million ounces of silver per month for minting dollar coins.
BlendaEllisona Law was adopted on February 28 1878goda. But still four months before that date heads of the Ministry of Finance, sensitively captures the mood in legislative circles, began preparations for the manufacture of a new dollar. Mint Director Henry Linderman (Henry P. Linderman) from multiple projects presented by leading engravers, unexpectedly chose the one that had been prepared by the British engraver George Morgan, just two years sostayat the service of the US government. Despite such a short time, rookie managed to establish itself as a gifted artist who showed his talent in making coins of smaller denomination. And the peak of his career was winning the most important race, when he managed to beat his more experienced colleagues, even the Chief Engraver of the US Mint Berbera William (William Barber).
Production Morgan Dollar, which began immediately after the entry into force of the law BlentaEllisona joyously welcomed "silvery" throughout the country. But before the general recognition was still far away. The new coin causes severe irritation of many Americans who have seen in the coinage of the next dollar just protectionist intentions of the owners of the mining industry receives significant subsidies for their business. Nevertheless, competition among congressmen "who loves silver" continued.
V1890 was passed the Sherman Act, which required increased government purchases of silver to $ 4.5 million per month. In addition, calculations for the purchased metal had to be made Treasury bonds, which could be redeemed either in gold or silver.
And then came the incident. Surprisingly, the majority of bondholders, diehard "silvery", changed their paper for gold, depleting the Treasury's gold reserve and throwing the country into a serious financial panic in 1893.
This year dozens of collapsed banks across the country, spreading panic among the population, and turning to bankrupt the largest industrial companies in the US. These events have caused the last decisive blow to attempts to preserve bimetallism in the United States, and November 2, 1893, protectionist laws were repealed. The era of the "golden eagle", 5-adorned, reached the 10 and 20 dollar coins, which became the basis for the US Gold Standard.
The coinage of silver dollars still sluggish lasted until 1904, has not yet been used up all the silver stocks purchased earlier. Then came another break in the regular coinage of silver dollars, which lasted until 1921.
In 1918, according to the Law Pittman, 270 million copies of Morgan dollars were melted. Metal resulting from this ruthless operation served as raw material for coins of smaller denomination, and new ... "Morgan", minted in 1921. This date was the last coins of this type, and in the vaults of the Treasury, and many banks remains lie unclaimed huge number of copies of this coin. It seemed to them a little used to handle, store for oblivion because the Americans preferred to Federal Reserve notes, which appeared in circulation since 1913. Collectors also did not spoil her with attention. However, some instances, for example, with the mint mark "CC", all the same demand by American coin collectors. They cost as much as $ 5, because minting in Carson City (Carson City) stopped back in 1893, much earlier than in other branches of the US Mint. Naturally, this coin is much rarer their fellows.
It is this version of Morgan dollar received both national prominence after many media outlets have published an amusing story about how to make money easily, having exclusive information. In published articles it was a group of dealers who, after learning of significant reserves nerasprostranёnnyh coins "SS" in one of the vaults of the Treasury in Washington, gleefully exploited this discovery for more than ten years. But such stories and had a negative result. The possibility of unexpected discovery of a large number of coins are considered rare, could swipe at their price and serve as a deterrent to increasing the value of even very rare coins. For example, a coin 1903O, minted in New Orleans, is considered extremely rare and which cost $ 500, suddenly within dvuhtrёh months dropped in price to $ 35, after one of the banks found a large number do not go into circulation coins of this type. These events prompted collectors extremely wary of "Morgans" is offered at high collector's prices. Therefore, the main consumer, despite the growing popularity of the "Morgans" among Americans remained government and private smelters, turns the coin into bullion silver rising in price.
In the 70s, when the price of silver has increased significantly, the government has decided to extend by a collector prices remains of dollars, not being in circulation. Coins that had lain for many years in the vaults of the Treasury and therefore perfectly preserved, packaged in spetsfutlyary and offered for sale. Sophisticated advertising company and the possibility of obtaining coins by mail allowed the government to distribute millions of copies among patriotic Americans, while significantly expanding the circle of collectors. Today, experts say that there are about 100 varieties of Morgan dollars with various combinations of the year of minting and the mint mark on them, which makes the collection of such coins extraordinarily exciting for real numismatists.
World peace and a new dollar.
If man evolved from apes, and then it must be assumed that the monkey was very stubborn and very aggressive. The entire history of human civilization, a continuous chain of local wars and large bloody wars. Another war, four years to burn out and life is etched in Europe came to an end in November 1918. Shocked by the scale of the massacre, was named - The First World, people, probably for the first time truly feared for their future. Fear of experienced wake of all people, regardless of social status and place of residence, inspired the desire for peaceful human life. Everyone is talking about the world. In August 1920, the Chicago branch of the American Numismatic Association made a report "Oznamenuem world of the new coin for regular treatment." Speaker -Farren Zerbe (FarrenZerbe) offered to release the coin, which would mark the end of the First World War and a new peace treaty between Germany and the United States. He also called on all members of the association to turn to their state congressmen to support his idea.
Besides political and economic motives were in these plans. The price of silver has grown up during the war and a half dollars per troy ounce *, after the cessation of hostilities returned to pre-war levels, and in 1920 was 60-65 cents. Thus, even taking into account the cost of production, the transformation of the twenty-seven grams of silver in a dollar would be a good business. Therefore, the planned flight silver eagles carrying people across the land the news of the world, had become not only a political act, but also a promising economic projects. However, Congress, despite significant pressure numismatists and owners of silver mines, yearned for government contracts, in no hurry to consider the need for the law. Only in the early twenty-first year, the idea of creating a new coin finally discussed in the committee of the US Congress and the May 9 this year adopted a resolution calling for the release of a new silver dollar. The decisive argument for congressmen became Pittman Act, passed in 1918, yet. This law is sent to the smelting furnace 270 million dollar coins regular coinage saves in the vaults of the Treasury is not widespread. Metal, resulting ruthless operations intended for the manufacture of coins of smaller denomination, or could be sold at market prices. The same law was the norm obliging Mint minted in the future the number of coins needed to completely replace the melted. In 1918, the law really helped US ally Britain, which bought silver bullion and use them to overcome the monetary and financial crisis in India (until 1947 the British colony). Now the law came in handy supporters create a new dollar.
The discussion about what it is to be a coin and how it will be distributed, lasted seven months. Mint and Treasury offers two options spread of coins, use them solely for the redemption of silver certificates, or to sell a half to two times more expensive than the nominal value, as the anniversary. But none of the options are not liked Numismatic Association. The appeal adopted by the organization stated: "The coin to be issued in such amounts that will never become rare and circulate at par." While the US Treasury officials were in correspondence with officials of the American Numismatic Association, friends of Morgan Dollars, the last dollar of regular coinage, had produce 86 million copies of the good old "pirate". The absolute record year in the history of minting coins of this type.
Only November 19, 1921, the Federal Commission of Fine Arts has announced competition to design the new coins. Take part in the competition were invited nine of the best sculptors medalists USA. Mint is expected to begin production of the coins until the end of the year, so the contestants had a month to do the job for which usually takes at least three months. And they did it. Took three weeks for the creation of sketches, a few days after their approval, for the manufacture of plaster models and finally on December 19, the choice was made. Congress was informed that the winner was a young artist -medalist Anthony Francisco, in an asset which has already been done several works for the US government. But this coin, dubbed - Peace dollar make it truly unforgettable. Perhaps this contributed to the fact that the artist's wife Teresa was the inspiration for the creation of a portrait of Miss Liberty on the obverse. On the reverse side of the author depicted the eagle resting on a rock in the rising sun. The rays symbolize the dawn of a new era of peace, and a broken sword, which the artist also placed on the coin, was to become a symbol of disarmament. But picky members saw a warped blade sign of defeat, and the final version of any weapons on the coin remained. But there was a laurel wreath and the motto WORLD carved on the rock.
The coin is clearly a success, if only because no one indifferent. But if one wrote about the beautiful modernized image of freedom, the other, with no joke enacted imagination sarcastically said that the rays of the sun that bathes the eagle are more similar to the German bayonets pierce the noble bird. And someone from the critics, these same rays seen an Indian headdress, where all the feathers to arrows overeat pozhorlivaya mole. Donated and Miss Liberty: detractors thought that it looks painful and appears here now chihnёt. Well, that may offend every artist, but who today vpomnit names of offenders, and the names of Anthony and Theresa Francisco forever in the history of the United States of America.
Peace Dollar was issued without interruption from 1921 to 1928. During circulation coinage coins fell from almost 80 million in the peak in 1922 to just over 2 million in 1928. This is easily explained by the low popularity among the population of coins desheveyuschey silver. By the twenty-eighth year, the cost of one troy ounce fell to fifty cents, and most of the new dollar remained nerasprostranёnnymi. Not helped even such extraordinary measures as issuing salaries to officials only specie. Also was already almost exhausted the limit of minting new coins provided for in the law Pitman. Production resumed only for short periods in 1934 and 1935.
History of the Peace dollar was almost continued in 1964, when US President Johnson gave the order to mint new 56 million copies. Employees Denver Mint immediately enthusiastically set to work, but it turned out that they were very rushed. Silver the seventies greatly increased in price and the magical transformation of a piece of silver worth more than a dollar a dollar coin, many legislators seemed very doubtful now. As a result, a law was passed in stopping the use of money circulation of silver and copper and start giving nikeleevomu period in the history of American coins. More than 360 thousand dollars already minted were rudely thrown into the furnace. giving rise to the next numismatic legend. Collectors told each other about a handful of coins escaped the melting in the pockets of workers Mint. In faceless bullion, silver rising in price, you can not already find out what exactly he melted coins, so not very honest employees could be replaced on the new coins already in circulation. Rumors about the existence of the Peace Dollar 1964-D look so realistic that the heads of the Treasury were forced to make a statement about the illegal purchase and storage of these rarities. Since then, despite the result of the ongoing conversations, no similar numismatic coins on the horizon was not observed. Thus 3,452,617 Peace dollar in 1935 became the last big silver coins made of 90 percent silver and are in free circulation in the territory of the United States.